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Friday, June 24, 2011
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  • mirage
    02-04 08:51 PM

    I know ROW country may not like this thread, but look at EB-3 India or China, put yourself in our shoes and than you may realize how unfair this country is. In this unprecedented financial turmoil, I feel there are very remote chances for CIR or any package which increase immigration etc would pass, I am taking this initiative to gather as many people I can and go to washington. Again this is not an IV effort. If you are with me , you can spare some time it could be few days in Washington!! please PM me.
    Again we are not creating any organization or anything, we are not going against IV's agenda. This is also a part of IV's agenda, but for now our sole agenda will be to bring a 2 line bill to remove country quota or increase the country cap(whichever can fly).

    PS : For EB-3 India, unless country cap is removed or increased, you can presume you GC application dead forever...For EB-2 India It'll be a long journey for people with PDs sooner than 2005...


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  • Legal
    07-13 04:49 PM
    If they can approve ~ 150 k total EB cases per year @ ~12,500 / month, with EB3 used up for the remainder of this year, they can definitely process at least 25 k during Aug and Sep.

    They adjudicated lot more 485s than 25 K last year. This massive adjudication was the reason behind threatened withdrawal of July 07 bulletin.

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  • gclabor07
    10-19 09:31 PM

    I was just looking at the Obama and McCain websites just to see how they look from design standpoint (I'm a UI designer by profession). I happened to read their views on Immigration. I was surprised to see that Obama's views were extremely vague and offered no solutions to retain or encourage highly skilled immigrant workers. McCain on the other hand has section on highly skilled immigrant workers and talks about retaining them after US education, H1B cap reform, greencard increase to reflect demand etc.

    If you are curious, see for yourself.

    Obama on Immigration:

    McCain on Immigration:

    Not that any of us are allowed to vote or our opinions matter to these politicians, I thought this presents an interesting comparison.


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  • chanduv23
    11-11 03:47 PM
    We can do something to start with call. later admin adds funding drive or some senior member will add funding drive. Why people asking for IV core is If I or other member will start some thread/campaign it will divert to other discussion or no more support. But I have notice that if IV core starts it people become active and call or write email.

    Even being a organization some one may be prez of IV org can call Zoe and find out what will be deal with HR 5882 in lame duck session. They will not reply to me or other members but atleast can reply to some IV rep.

    hows that ? I am not favoring rajuram or not against chandu.. just expressing what I am thinking and what others may do..

    You are also a very active poster and can definitely help IV in all possible ways. Thanks for all the help.


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  • waitingGC
    01-16 06:21 PM
    I just got the word from our treasurer that the IRS has approved Immigration Voice as a non-profit organization of 501 (C) (4) type.

    Until now, it was pending approval. Now Immigration Voice is a non-profit for sure and this means that we do not pay taxes on the income. This also means that no volunteers can get paid compensations for the work done.

    Immigration Voice will file the tax return as a non-profit and hopefully, that will remove doubts from some members/visitors that all the money is spent only on advocacy(lobbying) and website maintenance and no one is personally profiting from this effort.

    This is a big relief for us and now its time to file taxes.

    I actually don't think this is the main concern of many people who have not contributed. I have talked with many friends who got stuck with their GC applications regarding IV and urged them to contribute. However, not many of them were very passionate about this. They just simply believed that they could not achieve their GCs faster with IV's effort than without. $20 per month is not a big deal for them. But without any confidence and hope, they did not even want to bother to register and contribute. Most of my friends are EB2 with PD 2004 or later. Some who have filed 485s see no sign for SKIL being passed and are fine with their APs and EADs. Those who have not filed their 485 truly believe that they could file their 485s in about 2 years and got used to this waiting.

    So I think maybe we can let people know what IV has achieved in the past one year(not just how many members or how much money IV has achieved..., but things really matter to people) and inspire them.

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  • thesparky007
    02-17 06:15 PM

    uhhh, look at the post in the very first part of the thread i set up this (http://%0a link for a list of a bunch of 3d programs varying from free to over 5k
    thx man!


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  • arunmohan
    03-17 01:50 PM
    Hello group:

    This is true that EB3 people are going to stay for longer period( no one knows how long).

    I am not sure that how much would be fruitful to port from EB3->EB2. Everone knows that it is not easy.

    IV team should think and decide the next course of action for EB3.

    I am with them what ever they decide. I am ready to give any kind of support.


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  • GreenLantern
    03-15 01:47 PM
    Yes, the farther away the deadline the better. I would like to really put some time into it.


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  • GCanyMinute
    08-02 02:42 PM
    Hey BumbleBee ! Thanks a lot!!
    Now I clearly understand even though it is not good news :( since people from the backlogs centers are getting their LC approved with a PD prior than mine !!!
    Anyways I can't complain right? i still can renew my EAD and travel documents so I guess my turn will come soon...hopefully!! :D
    Thanks for helping me.

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  • gc28262
    03-10 10:29 PM
    Welcome to Capitalism!

    ...and yes it is the equivalent of bribes taken by our political people in India. As with most things Americans do it diplomatically by calling it "party funds" :-)

    Paying commission in India is considered corruption.
    In US it is legal.

    Reliance, Bajaj or other major companies influencing politicians in India is considered corruption.

    In US it is called lobbying.

    Yes. welcome to America !


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  • eilsoe
    03-08 04:24 PM
    right, march 10th :lol:

    sorry.. had my head somewhere else at the time... :sure:

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  • rajuram
    10-25 09:38 PM
    Reason: All of us(between 2002-4) were rotting in BEC for years...BEC just
    vomited us out between Jan 2007 to September 07.

    Lets get for another round of rotting


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  • aries22
    07-05 11:14 AM
    I ask the doctor to treat me first but also make sure that my brother gets treatment too.It's just that for the past 15 days not one post reg people stuck in BEC's and one guy who started the thread of unfairness got bashed.Even then no announcement nothing from the core team.That's what bugs me.

    I'm not trying to create a division.In fact I sympathise with everybody effected by VB ,all the money,effort,time that you have put in.I know I'll be next in line waiting to get in the roller coaster.I also know that core team is not answerable to anybody.

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  • yabadaba
    02-21 03:46 PM
    pitha...while i bear the frustration of the doors slamming on my face in october 2005 (eb2 was current prior to that) for the sheer fact that i had an incompetent attorney during the initial days when my LC process started.....i would not go far as saying that the porters have "cheated" the system.

    The law via Chintakuntla provided that a person with a bachelors degree and 5 years experience is equal to an advanced degree holder.

    All the porters are doing is following the law. Its frustrating to people like you and me, but its their right. If i was in their position and the law allowed me to take advantage of a provision of this nature, I would gladly take it.


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  • NKR
    03-07 11:32 AM
    I am employed with a company and I work for a client through a preferred vendor. I am in a slightly difficult situation. I would like to do AC21 with the vendor and negotiate for more. This might irk the vendor and he could in turn tell my employer about this. I cannot put in my papers with my employer without having an offer from the vendor in hand. I cannot join the client directly because of hiring freeze.

    My question is, if due to the above exercise my employer cancels my H1, will I be immediately be out of status, does having EAD means that I will be in status even if my H1 is cancelled?.. How much time will I have to join a new employer using EAD if my H1 is cancelled or revoked.?.


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  • sunny1000
    06-10 04:24 PM


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  • natrajs
    04-24 10:01 AM
    Congrats Googler!

    I just checked my status and saw my I-485 CASE APPROVED status.My Good luck and Best wishes to all the people on this forum on their GC.

    EB2, NSC PD 10/02
    I-485 RD - 02/2007
    Approval Notice - April 23'08

    Congrats and Best Wishes

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  • desi3933
    02-11 07:36 PM
    I actually was saying I agreed w you. Read my post again... I was trying to say a few things over and above...

    Aside from that, I have questioned Ron's correctness on this particular issue well before you produced that data.

    Also if people somehow do not want to pay attention to facts then so be it.. Why be rude?

    >> Why be rude
    My apologies if my post reflected that. My intention was never that.


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  • Administrator2
    06-11 12:22 PM
    Everyone is again talking about ifs and buts. Guys why do not you put your hard work on what is more important than what is never ever going to happen. People with a GC, if this Bill passes, they are not going to renew your GC also. How's about that? People with a US citizenship, with previous GC status, they will not renew the USA passport, if this Bill passes. How's about that?

    So forget all these bogus bills, and support our main agenda, which is to remove the Backlogs. If you do not have any new news, then sit idle, but please do not spread these bogus out-of-world stories.

    Don’t think you understand so let me give it a shot.

    We just got off a conference call with our coalition partners. This is a real threat. Everyone, including some of the largest of companies on the planet think this is a real threat. It you are a lawyer or if you represent some law firm, then please go back and get busy with entering items like first and last name in a simple immigration form. This is not your area of expertise.

    Experts with this are saying that the language is deliberately kept vague. Some of the terms used in the language of the amendment do not have direct corresponding visa. Since we don’t trust the guys behind this amendment, we think they have deliberately kept the language which is not precise.

    Consider this as a kick-off for the election campaign. The real risk is, even if this amendment is defeated, between now and the elections we will all see many similar amendments. At some point Senators will be forced to vote on an issue which is pitched as “American citizens” v/s “foreign workers”. Experts believe that anti immigrants will try to push this amendment in middle of the night in the must pass bills.

    Some lawyer, for the purpose of pandering to the client base, is of the opinion that this amendment does not affect EADs. In the grand scheme of things this is plain wrong because he/she will not be asked to leave the country if such an amendment passes in the middle of the night. Just engaging in name calling Senator Grassley or calling the Senator pig face is not going to stop the amendment. Please grow up and get real. Your pandering may get innocent audience to believe that there is no real threat even when everyone with any real sense of expertise is scrambling to oppose this amendment.

    Immigration Voice and its coalition partners do not see this amendment in isolation. We are hoping for the best and preparing for the worst. And for the lack of clarity from the amendment language, we think that the intent of the amendment sponsors is to see us all out of here.

    There is no simple way for the anti-immigrants to throw us all out in a single stroke. They will always engage in systematic elimination of everyone starting from the most vulnerable. The language is vague and it could be interpreted in lot of different ways. It is not wise to look for the most favorable interpretation of the language to find reasons for not doing anything because in the end our interpretation will mean nothing.

    Let’s be smart, think for ourselves and act on our own behalf to send simple message requesting the Senate offices to oppose this amendment. What is so complicated about this? And if you don't want to participate, that's fine, but why would you discourage others from sending a simple message to the Senators from their state? Don't you have anything better to do?

    07-18 10:23 AM
    Mine reached on July 2nd 9:01 AM. I don't think they must have rejected any application. I think, if someone is saying "rejected" means USCIS refused to accept the fedex, in which case package should be returned back to lawyers in 3/4 days.
    If your package was accepeted by USCIS then it would be on hold and based on yesterday's news, now it should be ready for processing. I am checking this with couple of lawyers and I will update this thread with anything I find out.

    Exactly,Even I think so...If they did not want to accept they would have done at the door step.So I think better we can wait and see for another week if any cases are like that.My lawyer mentioned she hasnt got any rejections until now.She has been sending continuous applications even a week before during this problem.She mentioned last week that she is still sending applications in and has Fed ex delivery confirmations for all the applications.

    07-03 11:16 AM
    Taking a benefit of one group, then distribute the pain across the board is not fair to ROW applicants. This is not the solution. You cannot say to us ROW people that we don't understand the fustration of waiting for our GC as well.
    I think its ridiculous that some family takes up to 4 GC from the EB GC pool, why don't you make a petition to state that only EB GC goes to EB primary applicant while your family takes up family based GC. Unless your wife and kids are hired to work as the rest of us, them taking EB based GC is unfair to the rest of us who don't have a family.

    The point is to not 'distribute pain', it is to reduce the pain of a group.

    Again, even though the benefits may go to one 'group', let me tell you that it is not a formal group and just as all ROW applicants are not one group, non-ROW applicants too are individuals and IT DOESN'T MATTER TO ONE INDIVIDUAL HOW MUCH OTHERS GOT BENEFITED.

    So your point of saying that one group is benefited is irrelevant, because GCs aren't given to groups and only to individual applicants.

    Your other point is absolutely right! Family should not be counted, and I'm in 100% agreement with that!