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Friday, June 24, 2011
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  • xela
    07-13 08:09 AM
    I know most of you are EB2 but hey I am happy that EB3 finally moved to 2004 now I just am waiting for it to go to june 2005 and I just might get my card ;-)

    Grats to all that became current and good luck guys! I know being current doesnt always mean you get your crad right away, so I wish you all the best!


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  • Jaime
    09-12 01:23 AM
    Thank you Governor(s)!!

    Congressmen/Senators please do what the nation's leaders are are asking you for a long time.

    Jaime, Guess we may have to organize a walk to Crawford ? what do you think ?

    I'm in!!!

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  • pointlesswait
    11-11 11:01 PM
    great idea...but which moron will give u a loan is the million dollar question...


    Did anyone listen to NPR on this topic recently? Looks like people are open to the idea, but some one has to give more visibility to this topic. Can IV do it.....

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  • rajuram
    11-10 10:34 PM
    We have no more excuses now.

    1. Elections are over. So all arguments like "wait till the elections are over" do not apply.

    2. We have a pro immigration president now.

    3. Democrats are incharge of the house and the senate.

    This is a good time to act. What is IV waiting for...

    Ofcourse economy will grab the headlines, but it does not mean nothing else can be done. Do something before democrats start worrying about 2010 elections. Time to highlight that immigrants can help by buying houses (NPR had devoted some time to it recently, so they are aware, we just need to give it more publicity)


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  • varshadas
    12-01 10:50 PM
    Lets schedule a conference call this Tuesday, that is, 12/05/2006 at Noon EDT. Let me know if everyone is OK with this time. Also, lets try to get more members on this state chapter. Meanwhile if people here can do some research on the people whom we want to meet up with.


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  • carbon
    07-24 12:39 PM
    If USCIS could interpret the law to their advantage we can use our resources
    to fight their interpretation and force them to change their policy.

    I also think we can even file a law suite in relation to "incorrect" interpretation
    by USCIS.


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  • StarSun
    03-15 09:04 AM
    VA, MD, DC members please contact sukhwinderd for hosting members.

    Members who have air miles to donate, please do so now - contact vin13.

    Many members from the west side are requesting for such options.

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  • DallasBlue
    09-11 10:29 PM
    The Govenors are on our side! There's thousands of us with may reasons why to attend, but here's a very important one:

    This is for YOU! Only for YOU! YOU deserve this! That's why we want to see YOU in Washington! Help yourself!!! YOU have earned the right!!!!

    Thank you Governor(s)!!

    Congressmen/Senators please do what the nation's leaders are are asking you for a long time.

    Jaime, Guess we may have to organize a walk to Crawford ? what do you think ?


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  • calgirl
    07-12 04:55 PM
    Where does it say in the bulletin that it will move in the next bulletin?

    QUOTE=sammas;1968386]Sorry to say this but 1st March is not considered. Hopefully your PD will be current in next Sep 2010 bulletin. Good Luck![/QUOTE]

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  • gccube
    03-17 01:18 PM
    Current as per the April'08 bulletin


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  • bayarea07
    09-10 02:24 PM
    HR5882 will be presented next after HR6020 :-)

    I do see some action now on

    HR6020 is being presented right now

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  • singhsa3
    07-13 09:09 AM
    Agree, she is just trying to cash on the momentum and probalby later claim credit if favorable changes are made. But , it should not bother us as it only going to help us and not hurt us.
    This is just a stunt. WHy did she wait allthese days to write this letter. Now when everything falls in place by others efforts, she wants people to think it is because her effort all these things are happening. I hate murthy or your murfhy.


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  • vgayalu
    10-05 01:34 PM
    Hi Guys,

    My attorney sent the response last week and it was delivered to the Dallas, TX. I am little concerned that my attorney actually sent the response to a courier address rather than the PO Box for TSC that they ask you to send. So far I have not seen any updates on my case.

    Vgayalu: After how many days did you see an update after you sent the response to the RFE.

    RFE received date : 09/07/10
    RFE Response sent (MAIlED) : 09/29/10
    (IN USPS to PO BOX by Express mail)

    RFE Response Received by USICS : 09/30/10 ( On line update on same day). - Hard LUD

    Again there is one more soft LUD on 10/01/10.

    Approval update : Hard LUD 10/05/10.

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  • immigrant2007
    03-12 10:29 AM
    Sorry to break your heart. People use a the words like "ass" and "dick" all the time, nobody really mind reading these words. Why would the same words in Hindi be so offensive ???
    Think about that.

    You called me Dick Head, would it be fair if I call you Lund Ka Topa. Its the same thing, just translated.

    Apologize if I offended someone else, I was trying to be funny.

    Tranlsation of dickhead is not correct (there might be some interpretation on your part)


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  • looneytunezez
    06-11 12:49 PM
    Sent message to my senators (CA).

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  • satishku_2000
    04-10 05:51 PM
    IEEE believes that ppl educated in the US should not be sent back and should actually stay here. I agree with that stance. After all, they want what is best for ppl born here and those who have been educated here. It is IEEE-USA :)

    As far as I know most of the "US educated foreigners"come here just to pursue thier higher education and have no intention of working here. Do they show their immigrant intent while applying for VISA and still get their student VISAs


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  • webr
    09-01 12:24 AM
    I am doing my online MBA right now , if you need more info Private message me.

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  • skd
    09-17 04:33 PM
    If you have been following the news this week, the economy is really in trouble. Specifically financial and insurance sector. Dow plunged around 900 + points in last 2 days.

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  • shahrks
    02-02 03:56 PM
    Just wanted to make sure that the organizers are aware that the 4/4 and 4/5 dates will fall in the middle of Cherry Blossom Festival in DC and specifically in and around the national mall. Travel and stay could get little expensive. Just wanted to make sure that this gets on to the radar. On the more positive note, lots of IV members will get a chance to visit DC during the most beautiful time of the year. Will attend anyways and will spread the word.

    National Cherry Blossom Festival: The Nation's Greatest Springtime Celebration (

    09-19 02:33 AM
    Thank you IV and all volunteers that made this rally happen. It was very well organized and I really enjoyed being part of it!!
    I really liked Murthy's speech. Short and to the point. "Legal" is the key.
    I also liked Mark's little comedy act.

    (Wish more would have shown up to show their support, but I guess some people are content waiting 10 or more years for their GC.)

    Suggestions for improvement to next time:

    1. I liked that the Chinese group joined the rally, but I didn't like their speaker. He was only talking about Chinese and Indian joining forces, and then making some kind of joke about IC chips are only made by Indians and Chinese. It's ok if you want to be an Indian/Chinese-only group, it is your choice. But if you want to change something about your green cards, you will fail with that attitude. You need to attract and change things for EVERYONE, or no one will listen to you. (If you want IV to be for everyone, IV needs to be more clear on that. There are so many Indians on the forums that ppl might think it is only for Indians.)

    2. Minor things... Good job on the signs(!), but there were too many of them. Half would be enough. People had trouble focus on them.
    Also, keep the message short. Max a few words. No one can, in a few seconds, read a moving sign containing 4 lines of text with 5 words on each, on an unknown subject. The poor people who tried to read them looked like near-sighted old men. Short and big letters is better. "Shorter wait for legals"
    rather than
    "Reduce the backlog for highly-skilled legal immigrants so we can live the American dream and not wait for 10 years"

    But all in all, I was amazed how well everything was planned. The state flags was a nice touch. Flowers too. Water for the participants. Great! Even the nice DC cops blocking the roads for us seemed very happy with us. Following the law is what legals do...

    07-13 08:43 AM
    Does anyone have the list of latest set documents required to file for 485.... can you plzzzz email/post it here... thanks

    can it be done without the help of an attorney...????

    Check out the USCIS site: USCIS - Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status ( D)
    You can download the form as well as the instruction to fill out the firm.

    As for filing it on your own - depends on how confident you are in your abilities to follow the instructions!!!!!!!!! Just kidding... Try filling the form on a copy.........