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Saturday, June 25, 2011
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  • angelfire76
    02-13 09:28 PM
    Dude you pay taxes for all the facilities that you are enjoying in this country.... nothing is free here.

    We are not eligible for unemployment, Medicare, Social security benefits, in-state tuition (have to verify this), Federal student aid and many more available to GC holders and US Citizens. As far as infrastructure is concerned, it's minimal at best with little to no public transport in most cities (unlike Europe). As IRS doesn't distinguish between citizens and non-citizens we pay the same amount of taxes, but see very little benefit from them.
    Can you update your profile or are you one of those FB guys who troll here to give us crap? :rolleyes:

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  • paulavijit
    03-17 09:08 AM
    Guy you are forgetting the 7% per country quota for issuing GC. Applicants from a particular country can only get 7% of the total GC available in a year.

    Total employment based quota per year is 140,000 and 7% of it is 9800. So at the most only 9800 Indians can get GC per year. This count also includes the dependents.

    So even if your PD is current and you have filed your I-485 but there may be more than 9800 Indians with the same status and hence only the first 9800 will get GC that year.

    There are more than 100,000 primary Indian applicants who have filed their I-485 and assuming a average Indian family size of 3, there are 300,000 who are waiting for GC. Only 9800 can get in a year. So if the law does not change this backlog will finish in more than 30 years.

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  • laborchic
    09-19 01:12 PM
    First, I would like to congratulate everyone who contributed to the success of the DC rally on Sep 18, 2007...

    I was there and I am proud of our ImmigrationVoice members for this FANTASTIC effort!

    We are just starting and taking baby steps with these kind of activities...So, anything I mention below is not a critic, but a humble feedback/opinion...Please don't get offended.

    1. We must immediately change our name to still should work....This should be done within next week...Please conduct a poll for this ASAP.

    2. We must/should always wear formal suits for these kind of rally....this would definitely give us a very high status and definitely there will not be any confusion if the rally is by legal or illegal immigrants. Even if it is hot summer, we must stick to this dress code...

    3. In all the signs we had today, we need to have one line clearly in bold as "Legal Immigrants - - Faster Green cards for Legal highly skilled Immigrants" - bold and clear..

    Also, all our T-shirts should have
    "Legal Immigrants - - Faster Green cards for Legal highly skilled Immigrants" in the back

    4. One of the rally participants told me that a guide was telling a tourists bus passengers quote "these folks are illegal immigrants...", the rally participant who heard this went to the guide and explained that we are legal immigrants...if you think the guide is not smart enough to read our signs and understand that we are legal immigrants, read next point...

    5. On the rally route, one gentleman, who was dressed in suit, looked well educated came up to me and asked what we are concerned about...I told him that green card process for Legal Immigrants is taking between 5-10 years and we are requesting to expedite it is clear that all our signs need this text at the bottom "Legal Immigrants - - Faster Green cards for Legal highly skilled Immigrants"

    We cannot be perfect the first or second time....Lets learn from this rally....

    A pat in the back to all those who attended the rally....

    Good Luck

    RNGC: I just realised this morning that it was you with whom I was discussing all these issues last morning. Great going Sir.... I totally agree with you..

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  • ajju
    02-20 03:55 PM
    Ok guys before you shoot it down heres my calc for EB2 pending apps from 2000 to Dec 2003. Obviously its a rough estimate, who knows how many eb3s switched, labor subs etc etc etc.

    From pending apps from 2000 to 2003 dec are about 96. Assume represents 1% of total population so it would be 9600. Each app has about 1.5 dependents so about 15,000? If you assume as lower say 0.5% then number would obviously increase to 29,000.

    Ok now shoot me down.

    Good calculation... On brighter side.. if I assume being 2%.. the numbers would be 7500.. Hope its enough to clear out with just the extra EB1 quotas in this quarter.. And then, next quarter we see some more progress for EB2 India.. Just a wishful thinking...


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  • amitjoey
    03-23 10:27 AM
    There are people from northern california going to DC. Please join IV's NOR CAL group and you will get in touch with all of them

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  • sidbee
    03-12 10:20 AM
    IV needs to OPEN ITS BOOKS

    And show DONORS where their money is going? Where is the sponsors money going? and what is this ORGANIZATION planning to do. IF not, one these days they will find themselves in a audit and public scrutiny.

    Any yes people who says open your eyes? Have you got your GC? EAD is only a means and not the destination

    PAPU, you need to explain to all IV members and disclose the books and what you are doing as IV head, and dont give me the bull, of we are working, you want our support, we want clarity and real action.

    If this happens, i would like to donate to IV.

    I cannot trust anyone blindly, thats my problem.


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  • rajuram
    01-26 02:23 AM
    I (and may be lot of others like me) want to care about IV & want to contribute to IV. But there has not even a single thread of good news for last several months. This is very demotivating. I have contributed only once. Every time I visit this site, I feel guilty of taking a free ride. But at the same time I find it hard to make any contributions with nothing happening on the horizon. Currently it looks like what ever is happening or going to happen with CIR etc is just moving at its own pace. If we can not expedite it, then what is the use? in any case congress will pass some relief for skilled workers when CIR comes up.

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  • pappu
    12-26 03:41 PM
    6. If your visa is expired as mine is (btw a feb date has never opened up anywhere in India to date...i'm sick and tired and frustrated....getting an appt is a major hassle) the you better choose your airline carefully, the French embassy demands personal appearance (350 miles) for the 10 min it takes to issue a visa- which then lets me walk from one gate to another at De Gaulle.....
    So if you travel to India and change planes in Paris you need a transit visa!!
    What other countries do that and what countries allow without the visa? this information will be helpful.


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  • perm2gc
    01-05 02:59 AM
    An idea!!
    Lets just put our post on , etc etc....
    I'm pretty sure lot of techies visit there from all kind of nationalities.....
    Good Idea..Can you post in those websites and post the details here.
    Thank You

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  • nojoke
    10-20 06:34 PM
    I missed on some of the conversation here
    - '92-'00 was a good economic time because of the dot com boom.

    It happened because of Al Gore and policies of Clinton

    - the repubs were in charge of the house and senate, and they helped in part to frame/pass the policies during that time.

    I thought they are in charge till 2006? So what got changed from 1992-2000 and from 2000-2006?
    - the housing sector debacle started in the clinton era, when the dems pushed the fannie may & freddie mac to lower the lending standards to give loans to the people who couldn't afford it. though it sounded like a good objective they all knew that at one point it would boomerang.

    This credit problem was caused by not only Fannie/Freddie but due to deregulation of banking and finance sector that started from Regan era. Republicans are so proud of deregulation.

    - the dems did that for their own purposes:
    1. to gain the support of the lower income/middle income population which they did.

    And for Bush to be proud of the ownership society that he bragged about in 2004.

    2. to fatten their own wallets-they changed the compensation rules so that the more they loan out the more their compensation. the dem guy in charge of the loaning agencies earned 90 mil in 6 years.


    3. the top two beneficiaries of contribution from fm/fm were guess who chris dodd & barck obama (barack got 130K in just 3 years). not to mention the favorable interest rates on their mortgage loans.

    Not True. The employees of the firm gave to obama campaign. Companies are prohibited by law from giving donations. On the otherhand
    The New York Times has published a separate list looking at contributions from "directors, officers, and lobbyists for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac" for the 2008 campaign cycle. That list � using figures from the Federal Election Commission � shows McCain receiving $169,000, while Obama received only $16,000.

    - the US has prospered so far because of its capitalistic philosophy. it has advanced innovation, and entrepreneurship, because innovators know they'll be compensated for their hardwork. barack recently claimed he want's to spread the wealth around which is a socialist've seen that in the communist countries (no growth, poverty, and low standards).

    FOX news talking point. He meant tax the rich to give tax break for the middle class. If you are super rich then I understand your anger.
    Unregulated capitalism will cause serious trouble. We just found that out.

    - barack has had no accomplishment at executive decision made, no major legislation (bills) introduced or passed (let alone through bipartisan efforts). so all of a sudden to assume he's going to bring change is ridiculous. hillary would have made a better president of course the press decides/controls everything now.

    It is leadership skills. Not the most experienced skill that is needed. He obviously has the skills since he defeated the great clintons.

    - look at the huge spending plan he has (free giveaways to everybody) fund that he'll tax you and I (take away whatever money we've saved).

    FOX news talking points. He said he will give tax cut for middle class. Moreover McCain's spending plan is will have a deficit of 1trillion compared to 750billion from obama's plan. Google.

    - he's ambiguous on everything...he changed his initial position on almost everything, and not just once (again according to the audience)

    FOX news talking point again. No proof. McCain said economy fundamentally good then bad, he has a long list. I don't have time

    I don't think we need to go thru all this again. all i care now is my gc, and I don't think obama is for it. even if he says he's for it, you can't trust him. he'll change his position when it becomes unpopular.

    again be rational in your thinking.

    p.s with the limited time I had I wrote all don't pounce on any gramatical errors (of course the dems like to do that).


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  • pappu
    04-06 05:57 PM at work I heard from my colleague that his friend was sent back from airport

    My colleague's friend's story.
    Went to india for 3 weeks POE, officer called his employer and asked "do you need him(a H1B) to work for this position? Cant you find any US Citizen?".

    Apparently, the response from employer ( I think Desi consulting)is, "Yes..we dont need him..can find a USC"..

    The poor guy is sent back.

    Now, I asked my friend to inform his colleague to come forward and post his story at IV..but I doubt if he cares Rat's as** now that he is kicked out.

    hmmm...I have a travel coming up in Nov/Dec...with all adventurous luck going on with me, I have other plans now :confused::confused:

    Please send him this link

    He needs to post it himself if he wants to come back and if the story is true.

    We need real people talking about it first hand.

    Until then let us stop talking about friend's cases because it causes unnecessary panic. These stories may not be true and just rumors.

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  • gunabcd
    07-13 10:57 PM

    July 12, 2007

    Michael Chertoff, Esq.
    Department of Homeland Security

    RE: USCIS Decision to Reject I-485 Filings

    Dear Mr. Chertoff:

    Looks like "Jbpvisa" wanted to win the race of posting this article first, and he/she mis-spelled "Murthy" as Murphy. recently somebody came up with a "Secret News.." which was actually his own far fetched fantasy. I don't understand why some people are so thrilled about throwing around sensational sounding posts ? Isn't that similar to creating a chain email hoax?


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  • snathan
    08-21 11:11 PM
    Have the chubby guy u take care of contact the local congressman/senator/newspaper and tell them a sob story about how no one will take care of him except you and maybe you will get lucky.
    One thing you can do, when you are deported, take the porky along. Less expense for the US health care.:D

    I am not sure why you guys are so harsh when someone is asking for guidance and help. If you have lot of time please go after the antis...there are lot of websites to rant your farustartion. If you can not give any useful information...please refrain from posting. It just gives very bad light.

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  • yetanotherguyinline
    06-11 03:27 PM
    Letter printed out and mailed via snail mail.


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  • hemal555
    02-05 07:09 PM
    Varsha, I can make it for the meeting in Warren. Thanks Hemal

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  • lost
    02-24 09:09 AM
    Anyone from KY attending the event?


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  • am100
    06-28 10:39 PM
    Got approval emails yesterday.

    PD Feb 2004
    EB2 India
    LC Approved 8/10/06
    140 Approved 2/12/07
    485 Filed on 6/27/07 NSC

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  • Abhinaym
    02-19 12:02 PM
    How exactly are illegals going to prove that they have been here for more than 5 years?

    That's exactly what I wanted to ask! How on earth are they going to prove a presence?

    1. Drivers license (that only shows the date they started)
    2. Utility bills (is that possible?)
    3. Bank statements (I'm not sure if undocumented ones get accounts)
    4. Employment proof (right...)
    5. Real estate titles

    I'm not saying they can't, but trying to think how...

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  • Legal_In_A_Limbo
    03-07 11:27 AM
    In my husband's case we dont have that much time.

    Here what our plan is:-
    1. Self file G-28.
    2. Follow up with an infopass appt. with in a month.

    Rest god willing. What ever is going to happen will happen. No one can stop it from happening.

    09-26 10:49 AM
    Dear Editor and Eilene Zimmerman,

    Your statement as following has put the marching on capital hill in wrong context:

    "Charnock is one of a groundswell of entrepreneurs and advocates for immigrants who say Congress needs to raise the cap on H-1B visas to help the economy. Last week 1,000 protestors-mostly legal immigrants-drew attention to the situation of highly skilled foreigners who want to work for companies in the U.S. by marching on Capitol Hill. "

    Marching on Capitol Hill mentioned in the article is NOT about increase of H1B but to request congress to fix the legal immigration system through which these H1B high skilled workers who come to USA in a temporary status become permanent. This is called green card process. Currently to become permanently employed in USA takes 6-12 years for these H1B high skilled workers. This makes their life status probationary as they have to go through various governmental procedures to maintain their status, travel abroad.

    Green card process has proved that no US worker is available for the job these high skilled workers do. After proving this, it may take 6-12 years to become permanent worker because per year per country quota. About 50-60% of these workers come from India, China because these two countries possess 40% of world population. So naturally lot of talented people will come from there. Now if we make a quota saying only 14 % will come from these two countries, naturally there will be delay for the worker from these two countries. We demand these per country quota be removed from these high skilled workers’s green card process.

    Per year quota of Green card is generally less than the number of high skilled worker apply for green card. Last 3-4 years this quota is not fully utilized because of slowness in process due 9/11 incident. So there are about 60,000 unused visas which were supposed to be available from the quota to these workers. According to law, this unused visa cannot be available. This also increases the wait time.

    When these high skilled workers comes to USA under H1B program, their spouse and children are NOT counted for the quota, but when they apply green card, their spouse and children are counted for the quota, resulting huge queue.


    09-12 01:52 PM

    I carnt make it to the DC Rally, as i am in the UK, but this morning i sent the Channel 4 News desk an email explaining our plight in the hope that they might cover the DC rally and get you guys some air time, i also sent the same email to the ITN news desk, so you never know you might be on TV over here.

    Hope this counts as a contribution. ???


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