tokio hotel humanoid

Sunday, June 26, 2011
images Photos Tokio Hotel en pochette tokio hotel humanoid. Tokio Hotel - hum.
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  • gg10004
    03-17 07:07 PM
    PD September 2002 EB3 India

    wallpaper Tokio Hotel - hum. tokio hotel humanoid. Tokio Hotel (MTV World Stage
  • Tokio Hotel (MTV World Stage

  • belmontboy
    01-16 03:56 PM
    Thanks to Slumdog. Sad but very true.

    tokio hotel humanoid. Tokio Hotel – Humanoid 2009-
  • Tokio Hotel – Humanoid 2009-

  • dkshitij
    07-12 04:33 PM
    if total demand will be insufficient to use all available numbers in a particular Employment preference category in a calendar quarter, then the otherwise unused numbers may be made available without regard to the annual per-country limits.

    Why don't we then see quarterly spillover?

    2011 Tokio Hotel (MTV World Stage tokio hotel humanoid. humanoid rehersals
  • humanoid rehersals

  • ca_immigrant
    06-08 09:10 PM
    10 yrs???? what are you talking about, the pace at which we are going right now.. minimum 200 yrs+- 6 months:confused:

    saxena sabhib,
    maafi chata huin but I do not agree with your analysis....
    (I am sorry but I do not agree with your analysis)....

    I am thinking more like.....he pace at which we are going right now.. minimum 200 yrs+- 5 months
    (so my prediction is one month less than yours)....I am sure I am right and you are rong...;)

    anways, USCIS does not seem to help us anymore....

    I will go home and try to convince my daughter to sponsor me.....she is 4 currently so I might be able to convince her and get a legal document signed....

    have a good evening folks !


    tokio hotel humanoid. Tokio Hotel Humanoid
  • Tokio Hotel Humanoid

  • kumarc123
    10-15 07:23 PM
    To all my IV Members,

    I agree with the fact of Gandhi protest #2, this is the right time, we can start another flower movement, this will help in two ways.

    1. Will put pressure on congress to honor the high immigrant bill in duck session.
    2. We will get attention and the next upcoming president will know, we are hurting.

    Listen guys, I am not here for a popularity contest, I am hurting like you guys. I am tired of making those long list numbers. The result? Well nothing, I am sorry it may hurt some members, but the truth is nothing happened, we were put aside like a rotten paper.

    We have been passive for long now, lets be activist.

    Let us all, do Gandhi campaign again, we can get a lot of publicity from not only media channels over here, but from Indian network as well. This will put more pressure on congress and USCIS.

    Also IV members whoa re confused on what and what not to do, please I request you all to support another big movement.
    Please lets not waste any more time in discussion, or questioning each others intentions.

    tokio hotel humanoid. Humanoid Shooting Part 2
  • Humanoid Shooting Part 2

  • dummgelauft
    08-21 09:28 AM
    You are an illegal. Go back to Canada, and try properly.


    tokio hotel humanoid. Rls Name : Tokio Hotel
  • Rls Name : Tokio Hotel

  • ingegarcia
    02-15 04:40 PM
    What is the current % of India/China folks in USA now that threaten to affect diversity ? Also how many (% ) from Italy,Ireland,UK etc ?
    Anything published ? Just curiosity ( not questioning any current laws )..

    Agree and this is why they are trying to stop illegal immigration from latin american countries.

    BTW I am from latin america but I am not illegal :)

    2010 Tokio Hotel – Humanoid 2009- tokio hotel humanoid. Photos Tokio Hotel en pochette
  • Photos Tokio Hotel en pochette

  • ItIsNotFunny
    04-04 09:22 AM
    I think this Bill will die like 2006 SKIL bill.

    I don't think so. Here is my view:

    I believe GC issue is root cause of the problem. Because people can not get GC for 6-7 years, employers (body-shoppers in real words) wants only H1 holder as they will work as slaves with them for years due to GC. This encourages them only to take H1B holders and not GC holders or citizens on payroll.

    If government removes retrogression, immediately 80% of the body-shoppers (blood suckers in real words) have to close their shops and H1 quota will be available to all.

    Common sense is not common.


    tokio hotel humanoid. Humanoid City by ~kaulitzway
  • Humanoid City by ~kaulitzway

  • Ramba
    07-14 06:11 PM
    Guys. Stop threating the original poster. One can verywell change the employer before 180 days of 485 pending and enjoy the AC21 poring benefit. The only rule is "485 has be remain pending for 180 days" for AC21 benefit. One can change job anytime, even before 180 days. The only time it is invalid is, if a guy leavs the employer iwithin 6 months of 485 pending and 485is approved within 180 days of filing, then the GC is invalid one.

    hair humanoid rehersals tokio hotel humanoid. Version - Tokio Hotel 2009
  • Version - Tokio Hotel 2009

  • desi3933
    03-11 11:02 AM
    The problem with this guy is he has got his GC and now he doesn't want anybody to have it. Basically he enjoys when people are having of pain. That's the reason he doesn't want any progress in PD's. Dude, if you don't like if people are talking about positve things such as "PD becomes Current" then my humble request to you is just stay-out of any converstations.

    See here this guy is also saying the same thing what my lawyer has predicted.

    Hey Joker -

    I joined IV 5 years after getting my GC. Please look at my 900+ posts and pull out one (just one) that justify your stupid thoughts.

    If that's make you happy - PD will be current next month. Now start dreaming again.

    -- desi3933


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  • punjabi
    07-13 09:53 AM

    I suggest you do it right away. I mean, keep papers and application ready. And Fedex it on 31st July evening.

    Good Luck, my friend!

    understandably so.. but I am now current after a looooong time. EB3 Dec 2001 PD. I can finally file the AOS for my wife who has been on H4 for the last 2 yrs... excellent!

    hot Tokio Hotel Humanoid tokio hotel humanoid. TOKIO HOTEL HUMANOID:

  • gk_2000
    05-23 03:50 PM
    Definitely much better than a computer operators'. I have high regards for people who work at reputed companies such as MS, ORCL, Apple though. By computer operator i mean people who try to speak english but sound as if they are speaking telugu.

    How about Egyptian accent? How about Russian, Chinese, Mexican, etc?

    Have your REALLY been in USA? How long? Came yesterday????


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  • Bill-Humanoid - Tokio Hotel

  • eb3_nepa
    02-13 01:01 PM
    Logicliffe i agree with you.

    I think the Aim of IV should be to make the ENTIRE process of the GC quick and painless and abt 2.5 to 3 years start to finish.

    Guys we have to fight the root cause and not the individual symptoms. United we stand. The problem is Backlogs at various stages. We should strive for removing the root cause of backlogs. A united voice which says, "Give us our Green Cards in abt 3 years". If we fight for each individual thing, we will be like many small streams each figthing for it's own little cause. So far we have seen the following SUB issues:

    1) Spouses not being able to work
    2) Children aging out
    3) FBI/Name check clearance.

    Now if we each start fighting for the specific cause, the movement will be scattered. Instead what we are trying to do is focuss on eliminating ALL problems.

    Guys i ask everyone on here to step forward and Signup for the Rally we are trying to hold In DC. We need stronger numbers on that rally if we are to be successful.

    tattoo Humanoid Shooting Part 2 tokio hotel humanoid. Tokio Hotel: Humanoid
  • Tokio Hotel: Humanoid

  • Alabaman
    10-20 10:04 AM
    Thanks gclabor07!

    Highly Skilled workers:

    Ensure high skilled workers trained and educated in the United States have the opportunity to stay and work in the United States upon graduation.

    Reform caps for H-1B visa program to rise and fall in response to market conditions. Reduce bureaucracy and waiting times for workers to arrive in the United States.

    Increase available green card numbers to reflect employer and employee demand.

    Extend the ability for H-1B visa holders to renew their H-1B status while waiting for their green card number to become available.

    Ensure available and qualified American workers are given adequate and fair opportunities to apply for available positions.

    The rest of you guys; tell me this is not good for the EB community!!! Immigrants blindly think that Democrats are somehow the only party that will solve every problem of theirs w/o even looking at their agenda.

    It is a no-brainer, McCain has a plan that will benefit us. I know we have no voting powers, but our support (in anyway legally possible) should be for McCain. Period!

    Sweet... but he's going to loose... so what do you do??? Read my previous post.


    pictures Rls Name : Tokio Hotel tokio hotel humanoid. Files-Save Tokio hotel
  • Files-Save Tokio hotel

  • kumarc123
    02-12 02:43 PM
    I am the one who asked him that question. And you can see he doesn't have any proof.

    The million dollor question is,

    what are we going to do about it?
    What is IV going to do?

    I am proposing a rally and hiring a lawyer to file a case. We group of people can hire Ron Gotcher or any other good lawyer to file a case. I am ready to give some money. But not to IV, as they have ignored all are comments and not done anything in recent months.

    No rally, No public initiative.

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  • vicks_don
    01-26 08:28 AM
    I think lot of things happened..1).our provisions are included in the CIR Bill Last year 2) Our provisions are in the skill bill 3) Atleast I guess 100 politicians know about our problems now


    Its only the last step that was not successful because of illegal immigration..

    Hopefully we can get that done this year..

    dear friend,

    we would all like something to happen. but not everything is in our hands. nor do these things happen easily or quickly. the issues involved are now deeply emotional and political. much of what goes on is in the background and not for public consumption. there is a certain expectancy over immigration reform this year, we cannot afford to waste the sliver of opportunity that may present.
    let me put two things to you simply:

    1. if you keep waiting for "good news" to make your contribution, and if enough people think like you, well maybe it will never come. you see, the whole thing about iv is that we are trying to make our own destiny. without effort there will be no fruits. many people are making significant efforts, may be you have missed that on your visits to the forum. without the help of many more though, we are sunk.

    2. your contribution is intended to create "good news", it is not some reward you hand out after success begins. i realize that you are feeling low and frustrated. please join this effort in earnest- the best way to feel positive is to know you are making your utmost effort. not just money, bring in members and join a state chapter, meet lawmakers and help with campaigns on the forum. If everyone did these things, we would be unstoppable.

    please think about it. you have been waiting for months to see results from others hard work. maybe it's time to jump right in.
    thanks for reading...


    makeup Humanoid City by ~kaulitzway tokio hotel humanoid. HUMANOID - Tokio Hotel - Album
  • HUMANOID - Tokio Hotel - Album

  • paskal
    01-21 02:21 AM
    i like the way you did this
    i wonder though if it's better to adjust it for depnedents
    per USCIS figures the average is 2.5 individuals in a family for each approval
    The timeline is stunninh when you put that in.
    I will retire or die before a GC......!

    girlfriend Tokio Hotel: Humanoid tokio hotel humanoid. Publicado por Tokio Hotel
  • Publicado por Tokio Hotel

  • singhsa3
    07-28 12:31 PM
    Hello All,
    Very interesting thread. instead of focusing on our mission of this forum we are focussing on all the ways to destroy it. Good work guys, keep it up!

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  • BumbleBee
    08-16 06:22 PM
    Because you guys are not as clever as EB2s.

    Very Good first post :eek:!!! Please hide wherever you were hiding till now, STOP judging.

    clever adj
    Definition: bright, ingenious
    Antonyms: awkward, foolish, idiotic, ignorant, naive, senseless, stupid, unclever

    07-01 04:09 PM
    We all should request politely to end the specific reservations.

    02-16 12:23 PM
    ......This per country cap law is very much like the tax code. If you change it to favor one class of people, you end up screwing everyone else. ...

    Currently, do chinese and Indians form a significant part of US population to affect diversity ? Just curious. I think one should start analyzing current US population and tabulate the % based on country of origin. Let us start with folks from UK, Italy, Ireland, Germany , Poland,..., India, China, ... . If it is found that some sections are less represented, let USA allow more into that category. True diversity.